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9 Essential Apps for Globe Trekking Event Producers

Are you an Event Professional? A Producer? A Planner? The VP of Corporate Meetings? Well then, you’re likely planning a customer meeting, a sales conference, a launch, an awards gala, or some other program somewhere near or perhaps very far. Even if you consider yourself a bit old school, and like to take notes on paper in a bound notebook, chances are, you carry a device. Here then is a list of some apps that I find are my best digital friends whether I’m headed to a site visit in Soho or on a multi day event in Singapore.   

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Top Left: Successful conference in Bali, Indonesia this August.; Top Center: Backstage post show at Alice Tully Hall in October.; Top Right: This March, wrapping a shoot in NYC.; Bottom Left: Celebrating a great conference in Croatia this October.; Bottom Right: Our talented crew in Singapore this June.
Top Left: Successful conference in Bali, Indonesia this August.; Top Center: Backstage post show at Alice Tully Hall in October.; Top Right: This March, wrapping a shoot in NYC.; Bottom Left: Celebrating a great conference in Croatia this October.; Bottom Right: Our talented crew in Singapore this June.

Our Gratitude… and Happy Holidays

Legend is a big believer in saying thank you and acknowledging every single person that contributes to our clients’ success. We especially love this time of year because, for a brief moment in the calendar, things quiet down for the holidays. For those of us that produce conferences, meetings, fundraisers, award shows, and corporate videos, the holidays represent a slight pause in the schedule.  A welcome few weeks to be with friends and family gives us pause to reflect on the year that was, and the new beginning that lies ahead in 2017.  

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Location, location, location…

Whether it’s a vineyard in California’s beautiful wine country, or a beachfront resort in the South Pacific, Legend Productions is poised and ready to bring your event to life.

Having just returned from a multi-week, multi-project stint on the other side of the globe, we thought it’d be a good idea to stress the importance of location adaptability. After all, what’s more important than ensuring your production team can adapt to whichever beautiful locale you’ve chosen for your event?

Now, you might be asking ‘why is that so important?’ Let us explain.

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event technology

The More Things Change…Event Technology

I’m thinking about event technology, and at the start of the New Year, it’s an opportune time to think about where we’ve been and where we’re going in the year ahead. Generally speaking, I’m not the kind of guy that spends much time looking back, but rather forward. But to do the latter you really have to embrace the former.

So how does this apply to my favorite topic, the world of event production?

First things first, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

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You’re Planning a Corporate Event Fit for a King. But Can You Walk Your Talk?

corporate event fit for a king

It’s official: a European monarch has agreed to be the keynote speaker at your next major corporate event. You’re elated.

You quickly begin preparations to “class up” the event. The venue must be immaculate and in top working condition. The sound system and lighting have to be perfect. The food? You’ll use the best caterer money can buy. Accommodations? Only the finest will do.

That all sounds great. Now, what about all the little details you’ve forgotten? Read more