December 18, 2023 Lilian Warpinski

A Note of Gratitude During the Holiday Season

Event Production Experts

As event production experts, we are, of course, truly grateful to be able to share our know how with our clients. 

We’ve brought to fruition a lot of interesting developments in Live Events in 2023: dimensional LED screens,  multiple stages, AI integration, holograms, and further refinements that elevate and expand the corporate event landscape beyond the meetings and conferences of even two years ago

For the Legend Team, it’s important to reiterate that beyond all the bells and whistles, beyond the new formats and experiences, the truly irreplaceable element of this work is the people.

Stage managers, techs, teamsters, banquet staff, comms folks, makeup artists, editors, graphical whizzes, prompter ops…

Without the dedication and willingness of these craftspeople to go above and beyond, Legend–and in fact, the live events space as a whole–would be a flat and unexciting place. In some instances it wouldn’t exist at all.

These folks make Legend look good, make us the event production experts we are, and we are so grateful that they have our back on every event we produce. This, in turn, makes our clients look good and that is the ultimate reward.

So, since we’re all reflecting on our lives with gratitude, and raising a glass with the people we care about, we want to do a (virtual) toast to all of our beloved colleagues this holiday season.

We hope to be enjoying some tequila with you in the New Year.


Jeff, Dan, Angel & Lily

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